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My Supermarket Simulator 3D

33 reviews
14.7 k downloads

Master supermarket management stock shelves manage staff boost sales

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My Supermarket Simulator 3D offers an immersive experience in retail management, making it ideal for anyone interested in mastering grocery store operations. This engaging app lets you take control of a supermarket, with responsibilities ranging from stocking shelves to managing staff. Your primary goal is to transform your modest grocery store into the town's most popular destination, enhancing both customer service and profitability.

Run a supermarket by yourself

In My Supermarket Simulator 3D, you will meticulously stock and organize shelves, ensuring that products are easily accessible to customers. Implement a dynamic pricing strategy to attract more shoppers and maximize profits by staying competitive with market trends. As your business grows, you can expand the store, unlock new sections, and upgrade facilities to increase capacity and offer a diverse range of products.

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Customize your supermarket

An efficient checkout system enhances the overall customer experience by minimizing wait times and smoothly handling cash and card payments. Hiring and training staff is crucial to keep operations running seamlessly; skilled employees perform various tasks efficiently, significantly boosting your store's performance. Personalize your supermarket with customized layouts, themes, and decorations to create a unique and welcoming shopping environment.

Sell dozens of different products

Catering to varied customer preferences is essential, and the app allows you to unlock a wide range of products to meet their needs. By managing your store effectively and creating a delightful shopping experience, you can ensure customer satisfaction and business growth.

A top supermarket experience

My Supermarket Simulator 3D offers a comprehensive and engaging way to explore the intricacies of supermarket management, making it a must-download for anyone aspiring to succeed in retail. Start managing your store today and watch your business thrive in this compelling simulator.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Playspare. Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.1 or higher required

Information about My Supermarket Simulator 3D 1.4.3

Package Name com.playspare.supermarket.store.simulator
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Strategy
Language English
47 more
Author Playspare
Downloads 14,675
Date Sep 16, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
Remove ads and more with Turbo

Older versions

xapk 1.4.0 Android + 7.1 Aug 20, 2024
xapk 1.1.0 Android + 7.1 Jul 22, 2024
apk 0.5.2 Android + 7.1 Jul 11, 2024
apk 0.5.0 Android + 7.1 Jul 7, 2024
apk 0.4.4 Android + 7.1 Jun 26, 2024
apk 0.4.0 Android + 7.1 Jul 1, 2024

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33 reviews


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heavyyellowrabbit9160 icon
6 days ago

takes a long time to load

sillysilverswan41231 icon
2 weeks ago

It doesn't work

happyorangechimpanzee70619 icon
3 weeks ago


adorableorangewolf79442 icon
3 weeks ago

It turned out really cool

awesomegoldencoconut96504 icon
3 weeks ago

First of all

grumpybrownrabbit89869 icon
30 days ago


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